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Asynchronous Code

Mighty fully supports async.

In .NET Core 3.0+ and C# 8.0+ you can use await foreach to consume the Mighty’s asynchronous multi-row results, which are of type IAsyncEnumerable<T>:

MightyOrm people = new MightyOrm(connectionString, "People", "PersonID");
var myPeople = await people.AllAsync(
    "DateOfBirth < @0 AND FamilyName = @1", new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), "Smith");
await foreach (var person in myPeople)
    Console.WriteLine($"{person.GivenName} {person.FamilyName} {person.DateOfBirth}");

In earlier versions of C# await async does not exist, but we use the excellent Dasync/AsyncEnumerable package, so you can get the needed effect with:

MightyOrm people = new MightyOrm(connectionString, "People", "PersonID");
var myPeople = await people.AllAsync(
    "DateOfBirth < @0 AND FamilyName = @1", new DateTime(2000, 1, 1), "Smith");
await myPeople.ForEachAsync(person =>
    Console.WriteLine($"{person.GivenName} {person.FamilyName} {person.DateOfBirth}");